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Editorial: Happy 80th Araw ng Dabaw!

IT'S the 80th Araw ng Dabaw, our city is already 80 years old, relatively young compared to other metropolitan cities, but old enough to have seen a lot.

In fact, it may have seen more than all other cities combined, from the worst to the best. We're expecting a throng of visitors today as we have seen them starting to come in this week.

Welcome to Davao City, visitors.

Yes, our clean streets are impressive. But yes, we are wanting of other things, as well, like walkable sidewalks. But as it is, we make the best of what we have.

The city's not perfect, the people aren't too. There are reckless and impolite taxi drivers, although the constant praises have limited this number to just a few.

But they're there, waiting to take advantage. So, if by chance you get to engage with one, please forgive us. What we can assure you is that they're the exception to the rule.

Generally, taxi drivers are nice and honest. What we can assure you is that, you can call 911 for assistance and our policemen are approachable as well. No, they won't ask kotong from you. Promise. Otherwise, report them. You can do that through 911 as well.

But please understand, restaurants do not stay open till midnight. Only the bars, serving food do. And ordering alcoholic drinks is only until 1 a.m. Anyway, you will be told by the waiter. Watch those cigarettes too. The protocol as all Dabawenyos know by heart is to ask where the smoking area is. Do not be surprised if you are pointed to the farthest corner of the parking lot underneath the scorching sun. There are a lot of those around here. Just a warning, policemen are in hippity-hop mood during special occasions like these, as they have imbibed the pride of Dabawenyos.

In a country where we expect policemen to look the other way through bribes or because they have always been looking the other way, cops in hippity-hop mood may just be too much for you. But we're giving you fair warning: expect a policeman to tap you on your shoulders and politely ask you to ride their vehicle to the police station if you're caught smoking outside designated areas. Hippity-hop, we did say. We have tons of those young ones who would hog the whole aisle, sidewalk or space, just because that is how they are.

It's a generational thing, not just Dabawenyo. They also come in individuals or groups, with ears plugged, oblivious of your discomfort and presence as they go on their unmindful ways. We brought us upon our collective selves as we brought up entitled children, so we all suffer.

All that said, enjoy Davao. It's fun, and yes, it's bigger than the mall that you intend to visit. Thus, if you have tie, get out of downtown and explore so you can have a full grasp of what is it that binds Dabawenyos together in a shared sense and pride of community.

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